ActiveRoles Performance Tip: Use Distinguished Name instead of Canonical Name in OrganizationalUnit Parameters

When making over 100 accounts today for some hard core Skype for Business monitoring, I (re-)discovered that the form of New-QADUser‘s -ParentContainer parameter makes a huge performance difference. I didn’t time it, but noticed that it took about as long to make five accounts using the Canonical Name ( as it did to make the rest of the batch using DN, or Distinguished Name (OU=Purpose,OU=City,OU=State,OU=Region,DC=mandie,DC=net).

This was with Quest ActiveRoles Management Shell for AD 1.7, which goes with ARS 6.9. It was an issue back in the QARMS 1.6/ARS 6.8 days, so hopefully Dell has fixed it for recently-released ARS 7.0. I say “hopefully,” because I can’t find QARMS 1.8(?) anywhere in the ARS 7.0 installation download, much less the Release Notes. Anyhow, it is something to do with how ActiveRoles checks your permissions on the Organizational Unit you are attempting to write to.

You might leave the team responsible for ActiveRoles Server at your company, but ActiveRoles Server never really leaves you…